The short videos I watched are from ancient times, and the ancients broke the defense

The short videos I watched are from ancient times, and the ancients broke the defense

Native Languagechinesse
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Browse [Food Science Popularization]

High-end ingredients often require only the simplest cooking methods…

The First Emperor was furious: He couldn’t even eat snail noodles, so why should he be an emperor?

Brush [Western Beauty Hot Dance]

I knew that our ancestors did not conquer the Western Regions just for those two raisins…

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty panicked: Gillian, listen to my explanation, I really just want to eat raisins!

Refresh【Freshman Military Training】

Drones, tanks, infantry-tank collaboration, street fighting…

Zhuge Liang cried bitterly: If heaven gives me 100,000 college students, the Northern Expedition will be accomplished!

Brush【Horse Hoof Repair】

Huo Qubing was overjoyed: Come on! Nail iron palms on all the horses in the army!

Brush [National Day Military Parade]…

When Su Yang started live streaming and the ancients found out that they could buy it, they all went crazy!

Su Yang: The latest DJI drone, the last 3, 2, 1 link is on… Hey, it’s sold out?

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