Super God: I, the King of Rocks, will move everything in the sky at the beginning

Super God: I, the King of Rocks, will move everything in the sky at the beginning

Native Languagechinesse
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Transcend to the super-god world, bind the role-playing system, and start with the Rock King Emperor template! As your role level increases, you can infinitely enhance your templates and get rewards!

“This sword brings demons and gods together. Although I have no intention of competing with each other, I know the suffering of the people. I only want to cleanse the four directions and protect a corner of the floating world.”

“I am the god of mankind. No matter how my identity changes, I will witness the history of mankind with my eyes.”

Role-playing degree 10%: Turn on the skill to move everything! Obtain the penetrating rainbow!

Role-playing degree 50%: Skills are fully enhanced! Obtain the holy relic Qianyan Solid!

100% role playability: Morax in the divine costume! The Heavenly Movement and All Things Stellar Version!

Acting degree 200%…

As the performance level increases! The universe also has to pay attention to this real god on earth.

Taotie: “The weather on Earth is so weird! It turns cloudy and turns into a big rock gun at every turn!”

Pan Zhen: “If the earth wants to make friends with my Tiandao star, the only way is for Zhong Yuan to marry my god Lena!”

Holy Kesha: “I want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus wine…Mr. Zhong Yuan is really my confidant.”

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