Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Native Languagechinesse
1.9 out of 5 stars. 8 votes.

Follow the boat flow + magic modified twelve talismans + single female protagonist + not the Holy Mother + decisive killing + semi-invincible + intelligence flow + funny + reasonable plot

Weiwei: What is the purpose of Sand Crocodile plotting against Alabasta?

Sammy: For Hades, of course. Don’t worry, watch me fuck him with the Dragon Talisman!

Nami: Where have the Sandians gone?

Sammy: Let’s go to Sky Island. Come on, my Tiger Talisman is horny and thirsty.

Chopper: Why did Robin leave?

Sammy: Must have been forced by Cp9. Dare to touch my wife! Rat charm, kill them!

Usopp: Where the hell is Raph Drew?

Just as Sammy was about to speak, he heard Luffy holding his leg and wailing.

“Please stop talking! Leave me some mystery!!!”

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