Konoha I, Uchiha, have incredible understanding

Konoha I, Uchiha, have incredible understanding

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[Feilu Novel Network’s exclusive contracted novel: Konoha: I am Uchiha, my understanding is incredible] Uchiha’s thoughts are extreme and unreasonable; Konoha Village is hypocritical, decadent, dark and bloody; even the whole world is so chaotic, twisted, ignorant and backward.

Uchiha Shigen, who has awakened his heaven-defying understanding, is unwilling to argue with the corrupt and ignorant. He only wants to dominate the world with absolute power and transform the world into what he wants.

[You plunder the book of seals, learn and optimize the art of Flying Thunder God, and create the Flying Thunder God barrier. After unfolding the barrier, you can control space for teleportation, attack, defense, etc.]

[You dissect the giant toad sage, study the principles of prophecy and gain insight into the power of time, combine it with the magic of Miaomu Mountain to create the time-controlling sage mode, swallow natural energy, and control time]

[You swallow the Ten-Tailed Divine Tree, use the majestic chakra to open the genetic shackles, obtain the evolution of life essence, successfully surpass Otsutsuki, and be able to live forever and travel in the starry sky]

Feilu Novel Network reminds you: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

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