I, the Director of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism, am popular on the Internet without robbing customers

I, the Director of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism, am popular on the Internet without robbing customers

Native Languagechinesse
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Jiang Ye traveled through time and became the director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of a poor city.

At this time, Jiang Ye suddenly awakened the system. As long as tourists give sincere positive reviews, Jiangye can receive various rewards.

Ever since, Jiang Ye has shown empathy, controlled prices in scenic spots, and treated tourists sincerely!

A bottle of Nongfu mineral water in other scenic spots sells for 20 yuan, while the same water in Jiangye scenic spot sells for 1.5 yuan!

Hotel room rates in other scenic spots skyrocket during holidays, with a room that usually costs 200 yuan rising to 3,000 yuan!

And Jiangye’s scenic spots will not increase the room rate by a penny at any time! We even provide farmhouse room service for tourists who have not booked a room!

Soon, Jiang Ye’s pattern of being careful and not ripping off customers was exposed on the Internet! Countless tourists came to Huzhong City!

“I’ll go! I spent three days eating, drinking and having fun here, and I only spent less than 500 yuan? The most expensive expense on this trip was the bus ticket?”

“Huzhong City is really good, the food is fresh and doesn’t rip off customers!”

Huzhong City aboriginal: “Jiang Bureau, please stop promoting, my hands are almost cramping when grilling skewers!”

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