Hogwarts Negative points for Slytherin

Hogwarts Negative points for Slytherin

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[Exclusively signed novel by Feilu Novel Network: Hogwarts: Negative Points Deducted for Slyldin] Accidental time travel, both parents died, and with a car and a house, Evan originally thought that he could only live a boring rich second life. In this generation, I never imagined that this is actually the world of Harry Potter! With his incredible talent, he soon distinguished himself in the field of magic.

However, his too stubborn character also gave the professors a lot of headaches.

Dumbledore: “I know, the little wizard is always full of energy, but Evan, please, can you calm down for a while, even for a day?”

Mag: “Evan, Animagus doesn’t need to be groomed. Do you understand? If you recommend your hair removal cream to me again, I will shave your head completely!”

Snape: “I consider myself a very biased person…I won’t do this unless necessary. But…Mr. Evan, Slyderin will deduct 50 points because of you.”

Weasley Brothers: “We are very sorry that Lord Evan was not allowed to use his full strength in terms of pranks. He was not sorted into Gryffindor. This is simply the Sorting Hat’s biggest mistake.”

Sorting Hat: “Gryffindor? Give me another chance and I will sort him into Azkaban!”

Feilu Novel Network reminds you: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

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