Elf I just want to fight crime

Elf I just want to fight crime

Native Languagechinese
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[Exclusively signed novel by Feilu Novel Network: Elf: I just want to fight against evil] Arthur traveled to the world of Pokémon and became Dr. Oak’s distant nephew, and became childhood sweethearts with Nanami, Lillie and others.

When Arthur is preparing to travel as a trainer, the justice partner system is activated…

What’s there to hesitate about? Arthur decisively joined the alliance forces and became a glorious international policeman, becoming a nightmare for all criminal forces.

“Sakaki, you don’t want Xiaoyin to be hunted down by the alliance because of your relationship, right?”

“Chiri, this world is indeed imperfect. This is because of the existence of people like you.”

“Pachila, as the King of Heaven, you actually joined Team Flare. You have fallen.”

In Du’s eyes, Arthur is a like-minded partner and an ally of justice.

In Sirona’s eyes, Arthur is the light of righteousness. Wherever he goes, criminals have nowhere to hide.

In Cattleya’s heart, Arthur was the one who saved her from darkness.

He, Arthur, is every criminal’s nightmare! Righteous partner!

Feilu Novel Network reminds you: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

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  1. UnderZone UnderZone says:

    It’s very good to pass the time, I hope they put more chapters because I loved it

  2. Lucepifras Lucepifras says:

    Pretty good, the protagonist it’s not overpowered like most novels and a pokemon fanfic that doesn’t focus in gym matches and battle but on crime combat is actually refreshing, after all most books seem to remember only the trainer job… All in all good to pass time

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